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Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

bencana situ gintung

Accident Jebolnya Situ Gintung

Friday morning, the community newspaper with news dikagetkan natural levee jebolnya Situ Gintung. According to news sources, chronology jebolnya Situ Gintung beginning of heavy rain on Thursday (26/03/09) afternoon, to culminate in the ambrolnya levee that is not longer able to accommodate the water that came from. Geography Situ Gintung lake itself is located in the middle of the dense residential population, so that the impact of embankment jebolnya Situ Gintung akan accident cause of extremes, so the houses are under the lake is ludes tersapu millions of liters of water that came with derasnya.

Below is a map of geography Gintung Situ and video jebolnya embankment Situ Gintung:

Images obt ained from the rovicky.files.wordpress.com

It is clear that Situ Gintung existing Dutch government since this is located between the dense residential population. Questions that arise prod, so why if the location of the dense residential population in the water does not dry it?. There must be a sesuatunya tuh:)

There is certainly no natural victims. According to sources, the number of the victims died due to natural in this estimate has reached 58 people. While for the material losses are estimated at tens of houses submerged and damaged another, that if the amount of Cash, of course, more than hundreds of millions and even billions of rupiah. The amount is not less true.

Hopefull y, with the only incident, we can all take a lesson and hopefully a similar incident does not befall other mole-mole on our beloved country, especially levee emban kment-old who has been since the Dutch first time. hmm .. can be imagined (not intended mendoa'kan) if a similar incident befall reservoir / dam of power, its impact will be even more awesome again.

Senin, 30 Maret 2009

menhadapi ujian

waduh intermittent start again I want to test nie ...

jgn forget yha a study on ngehadapinnya seriously for children grade 3 and sma smp yha!

tips a pass:

1. pray to god that omniscient Esa
2. diligent diligent lah-learning
3. have a prayer blessing to both your parents
4. search-find books to increase or lack of knowledge that we have
5. often studied with the same people who we considered to be smart and sharing it here
6. reduce to play

ah the first sgitu first yha study tips how mw hhe add coment ajah stay yha me to wait! daghh c u