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Sabtu, 11 April 2009

Do u know bout...BLACK METAL??????

What is the ente ente tau on BLACK METAL ?

I'm not used to do what is required. I think just as hard aliras music beraliran only. In fact the words that scholars have come to my school friend, he says if BLACK METAL is one of the flow esast .

There are 3 classes of flow of metal:

1) Rose Metal

Rose Metal dipersonili by girl-girl and dress up like gothic akan rebellion and crime issues.

2) Pink Metal

Although his name pink , but its members do not mean a girl-so sweet (hehe). Pink Metal dianggotai this by people who live in the world of criminality. Usually young people. Activities, among others, a crime to steal and low to middle level. Yes ... one of them is similar miriplah same motor activity Genk a flare right now.

3) Black Metal.

Well, if this one makes me merinding. I'm not? In fact this is one of the flow of the chilling astray. They hoodwink not only religious, but glorify the devil. Weeew.

Perhaps he said, this group was born in one of the United States. Originally Black Metal is the only group of people who hate Christian religion. Even against the teachings of religion, they establish their own church with wall decorations and all black.

But now Black Metal is not only in the state out there. Even been to India since long. Already many complaints about the activities of this group.

Sob, like a ga-what are their activities, in addition muja Satan?
1) free SEX
2) Nge-drugs
3) Alcoholic

But the more horrific. To go there is some flow conditions.

If you do, he must drink the blood of rabbits. Previous kelincinya ditusuk stomach a knife first.
If you do, he was also required to drink a glass of fresh rabbit blood. But not directly from the body of the rabbit.

This is done as verification that they would become slaves Satan.

waw ....

Oh yes, it's easy to know the identity of them. Usually characteristics of the members of Black Metal all attribute always wear black and gothic. Yes ... definitely friends I also taulah rich. And now I again flare up in my city (even though not all people do about this). I began to penetrate even to street children. Mental them have been affected.

Sob, as my friends can only remind you that the road should not go astray.
I'm not like you go in the wrong way.
I believe how you can maintain themselves.
So I can only messages, you self-conscious. Do not damage the nation with the moral ANCURRR generation.

Spirit sob!

Wait for my next info .....

UN. Penting nggak sih??

What do you do about the UN? I honestly, I just get a UN that is the National Examination. Udah. The rest I understand the confusion and the meaning of the UN.

Wee ... w UN nyangka ya I'm not in front of the eye. Udah kehitung count fingers with the time in which this young blood live a heart tap berpacu with dismay. Graduate? I Passed . Positive? Negative? (rich people .. haha. pregnant aja ya?). Said teachers in the schools, the UN on April 20, 2009. But so far I have not felt that enough provision for them. If in kerennya, 'not to prepare ammunition for the war'. I was relaxed, chill out a living as a high school vocational students. And I was not only a valid way, my colleagues are doing mostly the same. Enjoy aja ....

UN SMK make students like me, what's the point?
Mr. said the Principal, the students determine the level lulusnya SMK is the aliases UK Competency Test. And for graduate school, I was following the Test End School. Nah lo ... UN to do it? As the shadows cast only. Buktinya ya, sister and my friend's class who have not passed the UN. But he can still work on the basis of the certificate and diploma from the UK only UAS. weleh ... weleh. Confused.

Preparation for UN?
What song? I was also confused. Kan you also if I do not have any preparation.
That is learn .
Do not play aja.
Bu Teachers hold the words I have to pray a lot and so soleh.
Allah UN smoothly.

Oh yes. Still on the UN. Fraudulent banget ya people who like ngirimin sms-sms passed on UN or apalah ...
Is important
I love ya I can (especially for you who like ngirim SMS-SMS ga does important UN), Nggak up to you ngirimin rich gituan. Ngabisin balance. Rather than balance wasted to do something important, you get a simpen first pulsanya share the same answer my question later. That will be better and more useful. Haha.

Eh, eh.
I'm confused again. That time I was watching TV in Mamah Dedeh. He said yes, Nyontek that sin, but that ngasih contekan dapet reward. Weleh weleh. So, What is? So confused. If I have a position in pencontek, certainly confused me. Simalakama like fruit (eaten Mother died, I killed the Father eaten). If I be sure contekan sin. But if I wait I'm not nyontek pass. Continue if nolak contekan, So what that I do not answer the key ngasih dapet reward. So, you sob, I nyontek mild or dicontek?


Advokasi Kecurangan Pileg 2009

Rizal Ramli Advocacy cheating Pileg 2009
Andi Saputra - detikPemilu

Patients Choosing Not RSCM
Rutan enthusiastic residents Nyontreng
Jakarta - Blok changes in motori Rizal Ramli akan mengadvokasi cheating Legislative Election (Pileg) 2009. Advocacy team, called the Committee of Voters Advocacy (KASR) akan waft law suit before the General Elections Commission (KPU) announced the official results Pileg next month.

"Based on Law Number 10 Year 2008 on elections, parties related to elections be threatened if it violates criminal," said Chairman of the Advocacy Team, Adhie M. Massardi.

This is presented in Adhie meet the press in the House changes, Jalan Panglima Polim V, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Saturday, (11/4/2009).

Start today, this team will work with the inventory problems that exist and mengklasifikasikannya. Then mengkontruskikan the law so that it can claim to be material, either criminal or civil.

"We will also establish committees at provincial and district / city vulnerable cheating. Before the official announcement of the election by KPU, we have to fly to the court," he added.

Cheating is related to the preparation, implementation and post-calculation pencontrengan day. Cite him, in the RSCM Jakarta, as many as 564 patients not selected because there is no TPS.

Rutan in Salemba, 1884 vote of no tersalurkan because voters do not enter the list of fixed (DPT). In Yogyakarta, thousands of students are experiencing a similar fate.

"Even in West Jakarta, also 50 thousand votes not tersalurkan. This is what?" his him.

(Asp / nwk)

ranking pemilu

Ranking Penyelenggara Surveys
1 Democratic Democratic 20.46% 20.22% Democratic 20.34% 20.61% Democratic
2 PDIP 14.41% 14.79% Golkar Golkar Golkar 14.85% 14.57%
3 Golkar PDIP 13.98% 13.98% PDIP 14.07% 14.26% PDIP
4 MCC MCC 7.84% 7.37% 7.82% MCC MCC 7.45%
5 PAN Gerindra 6.51% 5.74% 6.07% PAN PAN 5.8%
6 PPP PPPP 5.33% 5.23% 5.29% PKB, PPP 5.63%
7 PKB, PAN 5.18% 4.97% 5.20% PKB, PPP 5.31%
8 Gerindra 4.59% PKB Gerindra 4.20% 4.62% 4.27% Gerindra
9 Hanura 3.72% Hanura 3.43% Hanura 3.49% Hanura 3.5%
10 PKNU 1.45% 1.85% PKNU UN UN 1.65% 1.87%
11 UN PKPB 1.55% 1.83% 1.58% PKNU
12 PKPB 1.36% PKNU 1.37% PKPB 1.52%
13 PDS PDS 1.19% 1.31% 1.46% PDS
14 PBR 1.07% PBR 1.29% 1.18% PBR
15 PDP PPRN 1.14% 1.03% 1.11% PPRN
16 PPRN 0.85% PKPI 0.99% 0.91% PKPI
17 PDP Pdk 0.72% 0.84% 0.87% PDP
18 PPPI 0.65% Barnas 0.81% 0.72% PPPI
19 Patriot PPPI 0.69% 0.65% 0.66% Barnas
20 PKPI 0.62% PRN 0.64% 0.60% RepublikaN
21 PPD RepublikaN 0.59% 0.63% 0.58% Pdk
22 Barnas Pdk 0.52% 0.59% 0.56% PPD
23 Patriot PNBK 0.52% 0.57% 0.45% Patriot
24 PPD 0.5% PNBK 0.49% 0.43% PNBK
25 PKDI Food Specialists 0.48% 0.44% 0.43% P Kedaulatan
26 PMB Kedaulatan P 0.46% 0.41% 0.41% PPI
27 PIS precursor 0.40% 0.4% 0.38% PMB
28 P PMB Kedaulatan 0.39% 0.35% 0.32% pioneer
29 PPI PKDI 0.35% 0.38% 0.32% PKDI
30 PNI Marhaen 0.38% PNI Marhaen PIS 0.34% 0.32%
31 Food Specialists PPI 0.35% 0.34% 0.31% Food Specialists
32 Labor Party PIB 0.33% 0.29% 0.29% PNI Marhaen
33 PIB PIS 0.32% 0.29% 0.25% PPDI
34 PPDI 0.31% PPDI 0.23% 0.24% Patai Labor
35 pioneer Labor Party 0.3% PIB 0.22% 0.23%
36 Independence Party Independence Party 0.26% 0.17% 0.16% PPNU
37 PSI PSI% 0.25% 0.17% 0.11 Merdeka Party
38 PPNUI 0.24% 0.13% PPNUI PSI 0.11%

LSI (1): Surveys of Indonesia
LSN: National Health Institute
LSI (2): Circle Music Indonesia
CIRUS: CIRUS Surveyors Group
While the results of Election 2009

Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

bencana situ gintung

Accident Jebolnya Situ Gintung

Friday morning, the community newspaper with news dikagetkan natural levee jebolnya Situ Gintung. According to news sources, chronology jebolnya Situ Gintung beginning of heavy rain on Thursday (26/03/09) afternoon, to culminate in the ambrolnya levee that is not longer able to accommodate the water that came from. Geography Situ Gintung lake itself is located in the middle of the dense residential population, so that the impact of embankment jebolnya Situ Gintung akan accident cause of extremes, so the houses are under the lake is ludes tersapu millions of liters of water that came with derasnya.

Below is a map of geography Gintung Situ and video jebolnya embankment Situ Gintung:

Images obt ained from the rovicky.files.wordpress.com

It is clear that Situ Gintung existing Dutch government since this is located between the dense residential population. Questions that arise prod, so why if the location of the dense residential population in the water does not dry it?. There must be a sesuatunya tuh:)

There is certainly no natural victims. According to sources, the number of the victims died due to natural in this estimate has reached 58 people. While for the material losses are estimated at tens of houses submerged and damaged another, that if the amount of Cash, of course, more than hundreds of millions and even billions of rupiah. The amount is not less true.

Hopefull y, with the only incident, we can all take a lesson and hopefully a similar incident does not befall other mole-mole on our beloved country, especially levee emban kment-old who has been since the Dutch first time. hmm .. can be imagined (not intended mendoa'kan) if a similar incident befall reservoir / dam of power, its impact will be even more awesome again.

Senin, 30 Maret 2009

menhadapi ujian

waduh intermittent start again I want to test nie ...

jgn forget yha a study on ngehadapinnya seriously for children grade 3 and sma smp yha!

tips a pass:

1. pray to god that omniscient Esa
2. diligent diligent lah-learning
3. have a prayer blessing to both your parents
4. search-find books to increase or lack of knowledge that we have
5. often studied with the same people who we considered to be smart and sharing it here
6. reduce to play

ah the first sgitu first yha study tips how mw hhe add coment ajah stay yha me to wait! daghh c u